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Enroll Now

New Student Registration (2024-2025)

Step 1:

You must create a PowerSchool enrollment login (in English 2024-2025 or in Spanish 2024-2025) and follow the steps provided.

Preferred Browsers:

  1. Mozilla Firefox
  2. Chrome
  3. Safari

Be sure to select the correct school year to register.

Step 2:

Please make sure you provide the site with the following documents:

1. Original Birth Certificate
2. Current Shot Record
3. Proof of Residency (utility bill in parent's name, driver's license with current address)

Your child will not be registered until the above documents have been verified at the school. If you have any questions regarding registration, please call your school site.

If your student has an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), you will also need to complete registration with Special Services online.

Returning Student Registration (2024-2025)

If your child is a current student at any school in the Los Lunas Schools District, please use the Returning Student Registration in your ParentPortal.

Be sure to select the correct school year to register.

Please make sure you provide the school site with the following documents:

  1. Original birth certificate
  2. Current immunizations record
  3. Proof of residency

Your child will not be registered until the documents have been verified at the school.