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New Online Process For Athletic Forms

New Online Process For Athletic Forms

Posted on 07/07/2021

We would like to thank you for taking part in our new process of completing school participation paperwork online through the Rank One website. This new automated process will allow us to be more efficient in handling the forms as well as saving valuable resources. This process eliminates any hard copy physical packets turned in to the Athletics Department. You will still need to print out the NMAA physical packet, but you will upload the completed forms to the Rank One website. Please keep the printed forms for your records.

With a Parent Account (optional):

Step 1: Visit the Rank One website
Step 2: Select "PARENTS CLICK HERE!"
Step 3: Select "GO TO FORMS"
Step 4: Select your state
Step 5: Select your student's school district

Create a Parent Account Tutorial:
Read through your district's instructions page and select "Proceed to Online Forms" or "Click Here" at the top of the page.

To create a new parent account, select "Create New Account". If you already have a Parent Account, you may use your credentials to login.

Not sure if you have an account? Select "Search for your account" to see if you have already registered. If you forgot your password, select "Click here" next to "Forgot your password" and you will be emailed a reset password link.

If you would like to use your Facebook or Google Plus credentials to create your parent account, select the appropriate icon to register.

If you do not want to use Facebook or Google Plus, you may register for your account by entering your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. Then create a password and confirm the password (password must be at least 6 characters long). Select "Register".

After entering your information and selecting Register you will be sent a confirmation email.

If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your junk/spam folders or email tech support to have your email address verified.

Click on the link in the email to continue.

The link will redirect your web browser. click the link to sing into your Parent Account.

If you created your account with email, enter your Email Address and Password and select "Sign In".

If you used Facebook or Google Plus to create your account, select the appropriate icon to sign in.

You will then link your student to your account. (If you have multiple children you will have the opportunity to link multiple students to your account)

*Note: Some schools will require one of these three options to claim your student:
-Last Name and Student ID Number
-Birth Date and Student ID Number
-First Name, Last Name, and Birth Date

*If you do not know your student’s ID number you will need to contact the school.

Enter the information requested and select Find Student.

You will see your student linked to your account. To add another child to your account select “Find Another Student” and enter the requested information.

To start completing the forms select “Start Forms”.

You will see your Student’s Name and their Compliance Status.

Click “View” to complete the online forms and to see your student’s status.

You will see 2 sections:

1. Paper Documents
2. Electronic Documents

To print a blank Physical form or other printable documents, click on the “Download and Print” tab on the right side. In most cases printable forms such as the Physical should be turned into the school manually. However, some schools may allow you to upload these documents to an electronic form titled “Physical Upload Form”. If your student’s school allows this option, it will appear under the Electronic Forms section.

To complete the electronic forms, click on the first blue link to open the form. The form status will show as “Incomplete” until after the school has approved your student’s forms.

Note: Some schools may require multiple forms to be completed.

If you have any questions related to the forms, please contact your student’s school.

Additional Features Inside Your Parent Account:
Where you can receive messages from your student’s school
Printable Documents–Access documents that you can print
Manage Account–Change your Password or Delete your account
Tutorials–Access Tutorials to help you complete electronic forms and manage your account
FAQ–View Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Find other Districts–Search for other schools
Logout-Click Logout to Sign Out of your account

Click here for printable Instructions (to create a Parent Account)

Without a Parent Account:

Step 1: Visit Rank One website
Step 2: Select "PARENTS CLICK HERE!"
Step 3: Select "GO TO FORMS"
Step 4: Select your state
Step 5: Select your student's school district

Read through your district's instructions page and select "Proceed to Online Forms" or "Click Here" at the top of the page.

You will be prompted to the next page where you can either login with an existing parent account, Create a New Parent Account, or Continue as a Guest.

We recommend that all parents create an account. Without a parent account you will not be able to see your student’s compliance status, download the completed forms, or view notifications sent to you by your student’s school.

*Note: Some school districts may require you to create an account. If you do not see the “Continue as a Guest” option, you must create a parent account (see above instructions on how to create an account).

After Continuing as a Guest you may see the option to select the appropriate grade level for your child.

Note: If you do not see this page you will be directed straight to the forms list.

If this is applicable to your school district, you will select your student’s grade, and the forms will populate.

You will see 2 Sections: Paper Documents and Electronic Documents

Paper Documents: To print a blank Physical form or other printable documents, click on the “Download and Print” tab on the right side. In most cases printable forms such as the Physical should be turned into the school manually. However, some schools may allow you to upload these documents to an electronic form titled “Physical Upload Form”. If your student’s school allows this option, it will appear under the Electronic Forms section.

Electronic Forms: To complete the electronic forms, click on the link to open the form. The form status will show as “Incomplete” until after the school has approved your student’s forms

Note: Some schools may require multiple forms to be completed. If you have any questions related to the forms, please contact your student’s school.

Additional Features inside the forms page:

Download and Print–Access documents that you can print
Tutorials–Access Tutorials to help you complete electronic forms and manage your account
FAQ–View Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Find other Districts–Search for other schools

For additional help with completing the forms please email tech support.

Click here for printable instructions (for those without a Parent Account).

NMAA Concussion Course:

Parents and athletes MUST take the online NMAA Concussion Course. Once the course is completed, print the certificate and upload it to the Rank One website. You can also find the online course on the Rank One website.