Attendance Brochure - English
“We believe so that you can succeed!”
By Ruben Barreras Jr.
Attendance Liaison Officer
Excused Absences:
- Illness
- Death in the family
- Religious commitment
- Diagnostic commitment
- Extenuating circumstance, as agreed to by the administrator prior to the absence
- Approved school activity
- Doctors appointment
Parents are responsible to notify the school for all absences.Note: Vacations and Hunting are not excused absences.
Native American Students:
Native American students will be referred to their corresponding tribal attendance department for enforcement of attendance policy.
Note: Per New Mexico State Law all excused and unexcused absences will be calculated to obtain the absentee rate!
School Attendance Policy:
TIER 1. A student will be in need of whole school prevention when a student has an absentee rate below 5% to include excused and unexcused absences. Whole school prevention strategies will be implemented to support attendance. Attendance supports may include activities (such as whole school campaigns), class attendance competitions, parental notification of student absence through tele-parent or electronic communication, positive behavioral supports (PBIS) to create welcoming school/classroom climates, education nights, social contracts, extra-curricular activities, and attendance incentives.
Tier 2. A student will be in need of individualized prevention when a student reaches 5%-9.9% of absentee rate to include excused & unexcused absences. A phone call will be made from the school site to the parent or guardian to talk to the parent of the student about attendance history, impact of absences on academic outcomes, interventions and services available and consequences of further absences.
Tier 3. A student will be a student in need of early interventions when a student reaches 10%-19.9% absentee rate to include excused & unexcused absences. A letter will be sent from the school site to the parent or guardian (date, time, place) requesting a meeting with the attendance team to provide intervention strategies that focus on keeping the student in an educational setting.
Tier 4. A student will be in need of intensive support when a student reaches 20% or more of absentee rate to include excused & unexcused absences. A letter will be sent from the school site to the parent or guardian (date, time, place) requesting a meeting with the attendance team or principal to establish non-punitive consequences at the school level and to identify appropriate specialized supports that may be needed to help the student address the underlying causes of excessive absenteeism. Parent(s) and student(s) will be advised of consequences of further absences.
Printable brochure