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Educational Evaluations

Los Lunas Schools will conduct an initial evaluation before providing special education and related services. If you have academic, communication, or motor concerns about your child, please contact your child's teacher to report the concern(s). Your child's teacher will be your first point of contact to address any of the aforementioned concerns. Los Lunas Schools follows the Response to Intervention (RtI) model and the New Mexico Technical Evaluation and Assessment Manual (NMTEAM) as approved by the Public Education Department of New Mexico.

Los Lunas Schools employs a team of Licensed Educational Diagnosticians to complete education evaluations for students. Our Educational Diagnosticians complete evaluations during the school year and the summer. If your child has been referred for an evaluation by your child's Student Assistance Team, an Educational Diagnostician will contact you to obtain informed consent for an evaluation. Please contact your child's school site or Special Services if you have any questions regarding educational evaluations for your child. If you need to contact the Educational Diagnostician at your child's school, please refer to the Special Services Directory.