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Native American Programs

Los Lunas Schools provides programs to our Native American students enrolled in our district. The programs that serve Native American students are of the highest quality and provide for not only the basic elementary and secondary educational needs, but also the unique educational and culturally related academic needs. According to the United States Department of Education, "the Indian Education program supports the efforts of school district, Indian tribes and organizations, post secondary institutions (like colleges and universities), and other entities to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students so that they can meet the same challenging state student academic achievement standards as all other students." Each year Los Lunas Schools applies for Indian Education Formula Grant - Title VI, funding Impact Aid, and the Improving Educational and Cultural Outcomes Grant.

Funding allocations are calculated in part by the number of Native American students in the school district who complete a 506 Form.

Indian Education Formula Grant - Title VI:
Impact Aid provides assistance to local school districts with concentrations of children residing on Native American and other Federal lands. Schools may use Impact Aid funds in whatever manner they choose in accordance with local and state requirements.

Indian Policies and Procedures are designed to improve communication and collaboration between the Local Education Agency and local tribal officials and parents of Indian children and are required to apply for Impact Aid.

Indian Education Committee:
The purpose of the Indian Education Committee (IEC) is only advisory to the Los Lunas Schools in developing, planning, evaluating, and implementing the most effective Native American Program, which meets the academic needs of all Native American students.

The IEC consists of 3 parents, 1 teacher or counselor, and at least one non-voting middle or high school student. Please attend the first quarterly meeting if you and/or your student are interested in being a member of this committee please contact Cathy Chavez.

Election of IEC Members will be held at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the year. Parents or legal guardians of students attending Los Lunas Schools will nominate and elect an IEC.

Parent Meetings:

  • Parent Meetings are held quarterly throughout the school year for community contribution/participation.
  • Meeting times and locations will be posted on the department website at the beginning of the school year.

Native American Program Contacts

Cathy Chavez
Director of Special Programs

Tanesha Howard
Native American Liaison
Century High School
Los Lunas High School
Valencia High School

Open Position:
Native American Liaison
Los Lunas Middle School
Valencia Middle School

Nicole Serna
Native American Liasion
All Elementary Schools

Patricia Jiron
Tiwa Language Teacher
Los Lunas High School
Valencia High School