Special Education Registration
All parents of students in special education are required to register their child with Special Services before enrolling at their school site. Registration can be completed online by using the registration documents in blue text in the sidebar to the right. Please contact Patricia Jiron if you have any difficulty with completing the registration documents.
A temporary registration form will be emailed to the school site secretaries, administrators, and Inclusion Support Coach as part of the enrollment process. Parents are encouraged to email all Individualized Education Program documents and evaluation reports when registering their child with Special Services. The documents can be emailed to pjiron@llschools.net.
Special Education Registration Directions
If you are the parent or guardian of a student with an IEP, please complete the registration forms in English or Spanish.
Please email completed forms to pjiron@llschools.net
Special Education Records will be requested from the student's previous school district by Special Services. Once the records are received at Special Services you will be contacted by your child's school that your child's registration at Special Services is complete. You will then need to complete the Los Lunas Schools Online Registration and then call your child's school to confirm that registration is complete. If you have any questions regarding records, please call.
Contact and Support
Karen Garcia
Secretary III - Records
Patricia Jiron
Secretary III - Registration
Special Services Main Office Number