Technology Policies
Guidelines have been established for the use of computers and Internet Access, by LLS School Board policy. These guidelines prohibit plagiarism, copyright violations, invasion of privacy, and unauthorized access. Students and parents/guardians are required to sign a contract entitled, “Los Lunas Schools Student Acceptable Use Agreement and Parent Permission Form.” Computer storage areas are not considered “private.” Network administrators and computer resource teachers may review files and folders to maintain system integrity and to ensure that students and staff are using the system responsibly.
- Acceptable Use Board Policy
- Acceptal Use Policy-Student
- Internet Safety Policy
- Employee Acceptable Use Agreement
- Media Release-Students
- Hardware & Software Request Forms
- iPad, MacBook, & Peripherals Break/Fix Procedure
Acceptable Use Board Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide the procedures, rules and guidelines for the use of technology and the information network in the Los Lunas School District. Use of such technology is a necessary element of the School District educational mission, but is furnished to staff and students as a privilege, not a right. The School District seeks to protect legitimate users of technology by establishing limits on such use and sanctions for those who abuse the privilege. Eliminating computer abuse provides more computing resources for users with legitimate needs. SUMMARY
Public technologies such as computer laboratories, desktop computers, servers, electronic mail, Internet access, and any other form of electronic communication are provided as a service by the Los Lunas Public School District, (hereinafter referred to as “LLPS”), and to students at their respective schools. Use of such technological resources is a privilege, not a right. Students should be good citizens; they must refrain from activities that annoy others or disrupt the educational experiences of their peers. The student is ultimately responsible for his/her actions in accessing the above listed services. Failure to comply with the regulations below and in the LLPS Board Policy Manual may/will result in loss of access privileges and/or appropriate disciplinary action. Severe violations may result in civil or criminal action under the New Mexico Statutes or Federal Law. As used herein, the user shall mean the system operators, staff members, LLS account holders, and authorized students afforded access and use of the School District computer system as part of the School District curriculum under the supervision and as monitored by an authorized user. All users must sign an agreement for Acceptable Use in order to use the district computers and information network. Minors must have parental permission. OWNERSHIP
All hardware, software, voice-mail, electronic mail, and any other stored documents or data on a retrievable/ removable medium including, but not limited to, hard-drives, CD-ROMs, flash drives, PDAs, etc. that are loaded, stored, resident on and licensed for use by LLPS equipment, are, and shall remain, the property of LLPS. This excludes homework assignments, book reports, and material of a similar nature that the student needs, has received, generated or created to complete his/her academic or related school work assignments. COMPUTER USE
1. Users are responsible for safeguarding their passwords for access to the computer system. Passwords will be changed periodically. Individual passwords will not be printed, stored online, or given to or made accessible to others. Users are responsible for all transactions made using their passwords. No User may access the computer system with another User's password or account.
2. Users may not alter or copy a file belonging to another User without first obtaining permission from the owner of the file. Ability to read, alter, or copy a file belonging to another User does not imply permission to read, alter, or copy that file. Users may not use the computer system to “snoop” or pry into the affairs of other users, or District operational systems, by reviewing the other user’s files and e-mail without authority.
3. A User's ability to connect to other computer systems through the network or by a modem does not imply a right to connect to those systems or to make use of those systems, unless specifically authorized by the operators of those systems. Users may not bring personal computer equipment into classrooms or offices, nor connect personal equipment to the district network without the express approval of the IT Department.
4. Users are responsible for ensuring that use of outside computers and networks, such as the Internet, does not compromise the security of District Computer Resources. This duty includes taking reasonable precautions to prevent intruders from accessing the District's network, via Internet connections, or by leaving systems on and logged into the network without authorization, and to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses, malware or spyware. Users are encouraged to maintain up-to-date anti-virus protection and security updates on home computers to reduce the threat of spreading viruses or infecting the District network.
5. All material received on flash drive or other magnetic or optical medium and all material downloaded from the Internet or from computers or networks that do not belong to the District must be scanned for viruses and other destructive programs before being downloaded or placed onto or accessed by the computer system or network. Users should understand that their home computers and laptops might contain viruses, or other malicious software. All disks transferred from these computers to District’s network must be scanned for viruses or other malicious software.
6. In compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the District will implement filtering and/or blocking software to restrict access to Internet sites containing child pornography, obscene depictions, or other materials harmful to minors less than 18 years of age. However, no software is foolproof, and there is still a risk an Internet user may be exposed to a site containing such materials. Protections will also include active teacher oversight and age-appropriate guidance to Internet access. A User who accidentally connects to an inappropriate site must immediately disconnect from the site and notify a teacher or supervisor.
If a User sees another user is accessing inappropriate sites, he or she should notify a teacher or supervisor immediately. Use of proxies to bypass filtering and security is prohibited.
7. Teachers/staff will be directly responsible for monitoring their students’ behavior and acceptable use of the Internet resources and school network. A student is not allowed to use the Internet without a teacher/staff member present and accepting responsibility to monitor use. This obligation does not, in the absence of other factors, make the teacher or staff member liable for the student’s inappropriate actions.
8. The School District's system will be used solely for the purpose of research, education, and school related business and operations. Failure to use technology for educational purposes may result in the reassignment or relocation of technology resources, or termination of the privilege to access the network.
9. Limited personal use of the system shall be allowed if the use imposes no tangible cost on the district, does not unduly burden the district’s computer network resources, and has no adverse effect on an employee’s job performance or in a student’s academic performance. The restrictions imposed by this Acceptable Use Policy and the acceptable use form signed by the employee or student shall apply to all Users at all times.
10. Network auditing that shows a teacher or other staff member habitually committing or allowing violations of this Acceptable Use Policy by their students will be documented. Campus and district administrators will impose appropriate consequences for repeated violations.
11. The LLPS’s system is provided on an “as is, as available” basis. The District does not warrant that the functions or services performed by, or that the information or software contained on the system will meet the system user’s requirements, or that the system will be uninterrupted or error free, or that all identified defects will be corrected. Employees and students are expected to report any perceived or observed defects, glitches or malfunctions within the network to a supervising staff member or administrator immediately.
12. Los Lunas Schools shall not be liable for any Users’ inappropriate use of electronic communication resources or violations of copyright restrictions or other law, Users’ mistakes or negligence, and/or costs incurred by users.
13. Teachers will guide students toward appropriate materials during school. Outside of school, parents, guardians and families bear the same responsibility for such guidance as the parent would exercise with other media or information sources, such as television, telephones, movies, radio and other potentially offensive modes of communication. Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources.
14. An image/audio file taken using an imaging/recording device, which is received on District equipment may not be published, broadcast, or transmitted to any other person, by any means, without the knowledge and consent of a teacher or principal/supervisor and each person appearing in that image/audio file who had a reasonable expectation of privacy at the time the image/audio file was recorded, or without the knowledge and consent of the person who owns the copyright of the material appearing in that image/audio file. Imaging/recording devices may not be used in any locker room, restroom, counselor’s office during a counseling session, or nurse’s office during treatment, or any other place where other people have a reasonable expectation of privacy. INTERNET USE
1. Network Etiquette. You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include but are not limited to the following:
A. Be polite. Do not be abusive in your messages to others.
B. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate or suggestive language. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.
C. Do not reveal your personal address or phone number or that of other students or staff members, except where instructed to do so by a teacher or LLPS staff member. Never disclose or share passwords or other confidential network access keys.
D. Note that the use of email or network computer resources is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system have access to all mail and history of server use. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
E. Do not disrupt the use of the network by other users. UNACCEPTABLE USE
1. Users may not use school computing resources for mass dissemination of religious, political, or proselytizing materials. Users encountering or receiving this kind of material should immediately report the incident to their supervisors or teachers. Restricted or confidential personal data and student records protected under the purview of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) shall not be transferred to personal mobile data storage media or non-district owned laptops or computers.
2. Computer resources may not be used for dissemination or storage of commercial or personal advertisements, promotions, destructive programs (including, but not limited to, self-replicating codes or viruses, malware or spyware), receipt or distribution of inappropriate or unlawful material. School computing resources should not be used for storage of databases or for services not related to the School District’s mission, programs or activities. Examples include but are not limited to publicly available websites, libraries of music, photos, commercial software, blogs or on-line diaries, games, etc. This restriction does not extend to authorized educational activities and uses appropriate to the personal work environment.
3. Plagiarism and cheating using technology is prohibited. Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, constitutes intellectual dishonesty and a serious offense. Proper credit must be cited in order to use someone else’s ideas or creative work product. All Users will be required to follow ethical use and copyright laws.
4. Vandalism is any attempt to harm or destroy the hardware, operating system, application software or data. Unacceptable activities include, but are not limited to, any activity through which any user destroys, alters, dismantles, disfigures, or otherwise interferes with the integrity of computer based information resources, whether on stand alone or networked computers. Vandalism also encompasses users who compromise the computer system’s integrity (use hacking software or releasing malicious software onto the network) or access, modify, copy or alter restricted or confidential records or files.
5. Users may not use a computer to annoy others, including, but are not limited to, sending or forwarding mass mailings or chain letters, spending excessive amounts of time surfing the Internet, playing games, accessing unapproved streaming video, sending or forwarding jokes, cyber-bullying, engaging in unauthorized online chat groups, printing many copies of documents, or otherwise creating excessive and unnecessary network traffic.
6. Users may not duplicate copyrighted software provided or licensed to LLPS. It is a criminal offense to copy ANY software that is protected by copyright, unless such copying is expressly provided for within the copyright or license. Users who become aware of any misuse of software or violation of copyright law must immediately report the incident to their supervisors or teachers.
7. Using software not expressly provided by or licensed to LLPS for use on District computing equipment is prohibited. Students and staff members shall not download unauthorized executable software from the Internet or other unapproved sources for any reason. This does not restrict a student from downloading and/or printing a document in conjunction with homework or other teacher assigned activities.
8. Tampering with switch settings, moving, reconfiguring, or any other action that could damage terminals, computers, printers, or other equipment is prohibited. Individuals responsible for damaging these or any hardware, software, computer system, or computer lab in any manner shall be financially responsible for all repairs and/or replacements. This includes, but is not limited to, unplugging cables, plugging cables into inappropriate locations, or other related activities that may cause the network or connection to the network to fail or to function improperly. CONSEQUENCES FOR INAPPROPRIATE USE
The system administrators will investigate unauthorized or inappropriate use and may close an account at any time. The administration of LLPS may request the system administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts. If, in the opinion of the site administrator or system administrator, a student or staff member has failed to comply with this policy:
1. Students shall be subject to revocation of district system access, up to and including, permanent loss of privileges, and discipline, up to and including, expulsion.
2. Staff members shall be subject to discipline, up to and including suspension, termination or discharge, in accordance with Board Policy, negotiated agreements and applicable law.
3. Violations of law may be reported to law enforcement officials.
As a district committed to providing its students and the educational community with the necessary skills for a technically literate environment, it is important that the School District lead by example. In the past few years, business and industry have integrated the Internet and Intranets to provide better communication with clients and employees. Utilizing the Internet, the district can increase productive communication between teachers, students, parents, administration, and the community.
The District Web Site will adhere to the following guidelines in addition to all other applicable district policies:
1. All web pages on the District’s website are the property of the District.
- All web page information shall be supervised and controlled by the District.
- The Superintendent, site administrator, department supervisor or his/her designee shall have authority to approve or disapprove all web page information.
- The District website shall not be used as a forum for public or private speech or advertising. Rather, the District web page(s) are intended to provide information to students, parents, staff, and community members in a manner similar to that distributed by the District in written paper format.
- The District web page(s) may include:
- General information about the School District and its schools;
- School Schedule(s);
- District/School Policies;
- Calendar(s) of District/School Events;
- Names, school phone numbers, and/or school e-mail addresses of school administrators and staff;
- Information otherwise available in Student and Parent Handbooks; and
- Other information deemed to be of educational or public interest by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
2. To protect the safety and privacy of District students, the District web page(s) shall not include:
- Student names, addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail addresses without express, written permission from parent(s)
- Photographs where individual students are the focus of the picture or are easily recognizable, without express, written permission from parent(s);
- Student information and student records protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; or
- Other information deemed by the Superintendent or his/her designee to be inappropriate for publication.
3. The District recognizes the importance of community access to its students’ educators. However, in order to protect the safety and privacy of District staff members, the District web page(s) shall not include:
- Staff home phone numbers, home addresses;
- Photographs where individual staff members the focus of the picture or are easily recognizable, without express, written permission from the staff member; or
- Any other information deemed by the Superintendent or his/her designee to be inappropriate for publication.
4. Staff and student web pages on the District’s website are the property of the District. All information, graphics and pictures on staff and student web pages are subject to approval, supervision, and control by the District.
- All student and staff web pages shall be submitted for approval to site administrators or department supervisors or his/her designee.
- All changes, additions, modifications, etc. to staff or student web pages shall be submitted for approval to site administrators or department supervisors or his/her designee.
- Student web pages may include only a student’s first name.
- Student web pages may not include a student’s address, telephone number, e-mail address, family or friends names.
- Staff web pages may include the staff member’s name, school, school telephone number(s), and school e-mail address.
Only authorized, District personnel may add or make changes to District web pages. Any person who knowingly, willfully and without authorization, directly, or indirectly alters, changes, damages, disrupts or destroys any web page(s) or information, graphics, or pictures on the District’s server will be subject to the New Mexico Computer Crimes Act.
NMSA 1978 Section 30-45-1 et seq. Additionally, students involved in such activity shall be subject to the District student discipline procedures, up to and including suspension or expulsion. Staff members involved in such activity shall be subject to employee discipline, up to and including termination or discharge.
ADOPTED: 10/12/2004
REVISED: 10/6/2008; 5/14/19
CROSS-REFERENCES: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, and its implementing regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 99; the New Mexico Computer Crimes Act, NMSA 1978 Sections 30-45-1 to 30-45-7; the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq.
Acceptal Use Policy-Student
Internet Safety Policy
Device Repair Procedure - 2022.pdf6.28 INTERNET SAFETY POLICY
It is the policy of the Los Lunas School District to (a) prevent user access over its computer network for the transmission of inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, phone or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of confidential personally identifiable information as to minor; and (d) comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”) [47 USC § 254 (h)]. It is the goal of this policy not only to prevent and protect, but to educate employees, students, parents and the community of Los Lunas on issues related to in Internet safety. The CIPA guidelines for an Internet Safety Policy have also been incorporated by the School District into its Acceptable Use Agreement forms for access to the School District’s computer networks and equipment.
The Children’s Internet Protection Act, enacted December 21, 2000, requires recipients of federal technology funds to comply with certain Internet filtering and policy requirements. Schools and libraries receiving funds for Internet access and/or internal connection services must also meet the Internet safety policies of the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act that addresses the broader issues of electronic messaging, disclosure of personal information of minors, and unlawful online activities.
This policy is intended to be read together with the School District’s Acceptable Use Policies for the computer system, Internet and electronic mail (Policy No. 6.17.1 as applicable to School District employees, and School District students). All limitations and penalties set forth in the Acceptable Use Policies are deemed to be incorporated into this policy. Terms used in this policy which also appear in the Children’s Internet Protection Act have the meanings defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
Technology Protection Measures:
A Technology Protection Measure is a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access. It must protect against access by adults and minors to visual depictions that are obscene, involve child pornography, or are harmful to minors. The School District subscribes to a content filtering system, on all computers that access the Internet, which is compliant with CIPA and NCIPA.
Access to Inappropriate Material:
To the extent practical, Technology Protection Measures (or “Internet filters”) shall be used to block or filter information or data received through Internet connections, or other forms of electronic communications, access to inappropriate information, specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
Blocking shall be applied to visual and textual depictions of material deemed obscene or to constitute or contain child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors.
Subject to staff supervision, Technology Protection Measures may be disabled or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. Any attempt to bypass, defeat or circumvent the Technology Prevention Measures is punishable as a violation of this policy and of the District’s Acceptable Use Policies. Inappropriate Network Usage: To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the Los Lunas School district online computer network
when using electronic mail, chat rooms, blogging, instant messaging, online discussions and other forms of direct electronic communications. Without limiting the foregoing, access to such means of communication is strictly limited by the District’s Acceptable Use Policies. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes; (a) unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking”, and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and
dissemination of personally identifiable information regarding minors.
Supervision and Monitoring: It shall be the responsibility of all professional employees (including all instructional personnel and administrative staff) of the Los Lunas School district to supervise and monitor usage of the School District’s computers, computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy, the Acceptable Use Policies, and the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of the Director of Technology or designated representatives.
The Los Lunas School District will advocate and educate employees,
students, parents and the Los Lunas community on Internet safety, “social networking”, “chat rooms”, and “cyber-bullying.” Education will be provided through the district’s esafety education program and materials supplied to employees, PTA presentations, and community outreach opportunities such as local public access television and on School District websites.
Social networking website:
A social networking website is defined for purposes of this policy as one which functions as an online community of people who share common
interests and activities, and wish to interact with others. Social networking websites generally provide multiple ways for users to interact with each other including blogging, sending messages to other users (both publicly viewable and private), gaming, and chatting.
Chat rooms:
A chat room is defined for purposes of this policy as a form of
communication in which users communicate in real-time. This can include private and publicly viewable messages sent to other users of the chat room. A chat room can also encompass ‘instant messaging’, which is generally a one-on-one, real-time conversation between two individuals.
The District’s Acceptable Use Policies include provisions intended to
prohibit and establish penalties for inappropriate and oppressive conduct, including conduct constituting prohibited cyber-bullying. The School District is a place of tolerance and good manners. Students may not use the network or any School District computer facilities for distribution of hate mail or hateful speech, defamatory statements, statements intended to injure, threaten or humiliate others by disclosure of personal information (whether true or false), personal attacks on others, or promotion or violence of personal attacks by others, and statements expressing hostile or derogatory animus towards any person or group by reason of their race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Network users may not use vulgar, derogatory, or obscene language. Network users may not post anonymous messages, forge e-mail or other messages or post communications concealing the identity of the author or distributor in order enhance the adverse reaction to the communication or its negative effect on the target of the post. Furthermore, School District computers and network facilities may not be used for any activity, or to transmit any material, that violates United States, State of New Mexico or local laws. This includes, but is not limited to, any threat or act of intimidation or harassment against another person.
ADOPTED: 07/20/10
REVISED: 05/14/19
LEGAL REFERENCES: Children’s Internet Protection Act, 20 U.S.C. Sections 6777, 6801, 9134, and 47 U.S.C. Section 254 (2003).
CROSS-REFERENCES: Policy 6.17 Technology
Employee Acceptable Use Agreement
Media Release-Students
Hardware & Software Request Forms
Click here for a downloadable Hardware Request Form
Click here for a downloadable Software Request Form
iPad, MacBook, & Peripherals Break/Fix Procedure
iPad, MacBook, & Peripherals Break/Fix Procedure
- Student notifies teacher or teacher identifies a break during routine device checks (sites to define device check process, we ask for no less than bi-weekly checks)
- Site designated staff will inspect the device, identify and collect any applicable fees due, and open Technology Help Desk work order to repair/replace device, specifying damages and any fees collected (CO Techs @ VHS/LLHS will function as their designated staff).All work orders for repair / replacement MUST contain the device tag#, along with a description of the damage and the incident leading to the damage.
- All iPad repairs will be assessed a $25 fee and should be collected prior to issuing a new iPad to the student, when possible.
- All MacBook fees are to be assessed at a later date, once the costs are known, and can be replaced without immediate payment.
- Technician picks up device/delivers to Tech Financial Specialist for repair – notates work order accordingly – assigning the Tech Financial Specialist ownership of the ticket.
- Technician should attach an image or short video of the damaged device to the work order in .jpg, .gif, or .png format and ensure the iPad is ready to be sent for repair.
- Technician works with school site staff to issue another device if the school site has not yet issued a new device to the student.
- Tech Financial Specialist will coordinate device repair/replacement.
- Tech Financial Specialist will notate the work order with regards to the status of repair/replacement.Tech Financial Specialist will attach an image of the invoice and/or repair assessment and resolve the work order.
- Technician will notify the school site administration of the fees indicated in the invoice or repair assessment via email, when applicable.